The key thing now is: Inflation is creeping up, which side of the coin are you on? I saw people complaining of cost and reports about helping the lower/middle class....
And its gonna get worse, oil hasn't even reach and broke the previous highs yet. (I am eagerly watching.) Just a simple understanding of financial education you are able to protect yourself and your wealth from all these macro-economic factors. See inflation can soar through the roof or drop to the ground or not move at all (in your dreams), I still would be happy because in every way I know how to make money off it.
Which is why, just like my previous post on Why you must invest! I keep repeating YOU MUST INVEST! YOU MUST! YOU MUST PUT YOUR MONEY TO WORK BECAUSE YOUR MONEY HAS QUIETLY HALF-VALUED. And as mentioned, property is a safe and lucrative way to hedge this erosion of monetary value, as with property you get both yields and capital gains. And given what we can see from our economies today, Asia and Singapore is poised for several more buoyant years at least. Key issue here is buying the right one.
If your response is "Oh but you know something, I don't." Sir/Mdm I wasn't born this way, 6yrs ago I knew absolute NOTHING! 100% Financial idiot, all I know was to work as hard and much as possible, spent as little as possible and scrape every penny and save, save, save...coming from Singapore, this is what the system 'programmed' us to do. Duracell bunnies the whole lot of us.
In fact back then, for the amount of time and effort required to learn and understand, I initially wanted to outsource investing my small capital as this was a bit of a 'non-core business function'. How dangerous that would have been eh? Constantly, I bugged a buddy to approach his sister who was some hotshot in the bank to help me. Until today, I still thank him very much whenever I see him for brushing me off back then. If not, I wouldn't have bothered to learn myself and I won't know what I know today. Now I don't claim to be some 'Guru' or 'Expert', my point simply is: YOU lose out being oblivious.
Now I can hear many people lamenting, "No time.." and I totally know where you are coming from with work and life. I am not gonna lied to you and tell you after some 3-day program you will be an expert. The amount of true time and effort it takes to learn, trial and error is A LOT. And not necessarily prefect-able as market is live and ever-changing. Like driving, practical differs from theory. You want to be successful at investing FAST, here's my shortcut, wanna know? Scroll down.
Just making sure you are awake ;D
Instead of trying to re-invent the wheel/ or muck around trying to get the act right/ or hunting high and low and getting nowhere/ or taking huge risk on your own....(And I did all the above)
spend some time and effort to learn about the product you are investing in, function as a TEAM, iron out all the trust issues via contract/s and let people who have better knowledge in their fields than yourself lead the way in that area. Simple right? Trust is never a simple thing. But if you don't work that out, you are not going to move forward much. (Even John Rambo grows old.)
Recently, we met a lot of people due to the expansion of Property Investors Club. With meeting all of you and with Property Investors Club getting up and running on its own, (People said with a wordpress website and a yahoo email it is not possible. Incidentally, these people also did not register to learn more. We believe that our passion, our dedication and sincerity has helped us shine through and our message speaks clearer and louder with each passing day. Thank you All for giving us your attention!)
I want to focus my personal site towards the Mindset and Psychology of an Investor as I come to realize most people unfortunately respond best to sales talks (That's why TOP units are selling like hotcakes, and developers and property agents are making merry, patting each other's backs, laughing all the way to the bank.), evoking their emotions and (hate to say it) greed...This is a very dangerous way to make decisions! Especially one as big as property investing. My inputs are both from my mentors and myself from facing investments daily for the last 6years of my life. Nothing fancy, just some factual accounting of events.
I will be posting more on this in my next post. Meanwhile, think about what I have said and read the report below. Inflation is gonna get even worse, it is inevitable. What are you doing to protect yourself and your wealth?
Thank you All for your time and for supporting Property Investors Club! Welcome On-board! We look forward to many successes in investing.
Until next time.
Your Fellow Investor,
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